2007年3月24日 星期六

一入侵種絲鱉甲蝸牛科(Ariophantidae)蝸牛描述(2006Bul. Malaco. 30:55-60)

An invasive Ariophantid species from India

Yen-Chen Lee1 & Wen-lung Wu2


1.      Department of Life Science National Taiwan Normal University

2.      Research Center of Biodiversity , Academia Sinica.


Received Oct. 23, 2006; accepted Dec. 25, 2006


In 2000 an unknown large Ariophantid species was found in Pingtung County . The shell morphology is very similar to native species Petalochlamys formosana (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891). But the soft part is quite different. In this paper we will describe its taxonomy, ecology, food, morphology, anatomy and effect on the environment of Taiwan .


Materials and Methods

The snails were collected and recorded its locality. The specimens were brought to the laboratory, well relaxed and immersed in boiling water, than dissected to exam its reproductive system. Measured the following morphometric items: shell length (SL), shell width (SW), apertural length (APL) and apertural width (APW).




Family Ariophantidae Godwin-Austen, 1888

Subfamily Macrochlamydinae Godwin-Austen, 1888

Genus Macrochlamys Benson, 1832 in Gray, 1847

Species hippocastaneum Godwin-Austen, 1918

Ecology: This species was first found in 2000 in Pingtung. It may import to Taiwan before 2000 with rose from India . In 2004, it can be found in Taichung , Shinju, Taipei . In 2005, it had spread to Yilan and Hualian. This species can be easily found in public garden, wasteland near urban area, traffic island and vegetable farm. The population size is more than 10 individuals per square meter, observe on a wasteland of Nei-hu District Taipei in 2005. According to the distributing data, the species seems transgress local dispersal filter. It is widespread and dominant, consensus to stage V of invasive species definition (Colautti & MacIsaac, 2004).

Food: they feed carrot, sweet potato in laboratory. In field, they feed almost all herbaceous plants, even defoliations.

Shell: globosely conoid, finely perforate, polished; no sculpture except unclear growth striae, quite smooth and glassy; color yellowish brown; spire conic, apex blunt, suture impressed, whorl 5-6, rather rapidly increasing, rounded on the periphery; aperture broadly lunate, nearly vertical; peristome thin, columellar margin thin, scarcely reflected near umbilicus.(Fig. 1A )

Reproductive system: Penial sheath (PS) well developed, with a volute structure at the epiphallus (EP) site terminal. Epiphallus is slender than penial sheath. Penial appendix (PA) as wide as epiphallus. Vas deferens (VD) slender separates from the connection between penial appendix and epiphallus, extends and connects at outer wall of oviduct (OV) at the distal end of brown color prostatic gland (PG). Vagina (VA) short and large in diameter, divding clavate shaped spermatheca (SP) from its posterior. Dart (DT) gently swell toward the dart sac (DS) site and contracted at the junction between dart and dart sac. Dart sac slender and 3 times long as dart length. (Fig. 3)



Macrochlamys hippocastaneum is very similar to native species Petalochlamys formosana (Schmacker et Boettger, 1891) (Fig. 1B) in shell morphology. P. formosana increased its whorl width rapider than the former. The body whorl width is 3 times of penultimate whorl in P. formosana. In M. hippocastaneum, body whorl width is 2 times of penultimate whorl. Besides, the aperture width of M. hippocastaneum is half wide of shell width. The aperture width of P. formosana is larger than half wide of shell width. The former with slender gray-yellow mantle lop (Fig. 2), but P. formosana with wide expand mantle lop, which has black spot on it.

There is no report about agricultural loss cause by M. hippocastaneum till now. By the reasons of polyphagia of this species and the huge population size, this species is a potentially destructive pest such as Pomacea canaliculata (Apple snail). To reduce the huge loss in horticultural and agricultural industry of Taiwan , an effective quarantine system should be established to control the invasive species.



The authors wish to appreciate Mr. Wen-Der Chen for their generous donations of the specimen shells.



Colautti, R. I. & MacIsaac, H. J. 2004. A neutral terminology to define invasive species. Diversity and Distributions 10: 135–141.

Godwin-Austen, H.H. 1918. Zoological results of the Abor expedition, 1911-12. Records of the Indian Museum 8: 581-600.








1.      台灣師範大學生命科學系

2.      中央研究院生物多樣性中心







  • 留言者: qqq
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  • 日期: 2013-05-20 23:28:11
你好:.我在花園裡發現好多長的很像外來種的蝸牛..因不想造成生態汙染.請問這種蝸牛怕水嗎?丟到水溝裡會死掉嗎? 感謝你文章.受益良多.
[版主回覆06/11/2013 16:01:51]會再爬上來

  • 留言者: kibby
  • Email: js93134js93134@yahoo.com.tw
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  • 日期: 2011-12-08 20:57:51
[版主回覆12/08/2011 21:44:50]第一排第二個可能不是,其他都是。

  • 留言者: kibby
  • Email: js93134js93134@yahoo.com.tw
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  • 日期: 2011-12-04 07:52:32



Minnie的化石世界 敬上12/4

[版主回覆12/05/2011 08:01:00]



  • 留言者: 荒野小男孩
  • Email: ykhuang50@yahoo.com.tw
  • 網址:
  • 日期: 2011-07-19 13:14:47

[版主回覆07/19/2011 20:41:36]



  • 留言者: TPR's蘭壽工坊
  • Email: japanranchu@yahoo.com.tw
  • 網址:
  • 日期: 2008-10-16 15:19:06

Snail Prince 您好 ~   呵呵 ~還專家厲害用聽的就知道~ 昨天再抓另一隻起來研究, 我看到的"寄生蟲"原來是外套膜!!!!    難怪電影中有人被自己的影子嚇死!!      但為何那外套膜需要身長觸鬚伸往殼中心探觸??  看似吸血蟲再找獵物的探伸!?   噁~

下圖我畫紅線的地方 : http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs132&d=08424&f=p1090311a270.jpg


還有我說的另一種白點寄生蟲, 這我確定有看到~ 蝸牛剛抓起時蝸牛會緊張, 將類氣孔關閉, 這時白點也開始緊張, 亂竄, 直到蝸牛在次打開氣孔時..... 就鑽入躲起來!  這白點太小跑太快我拍不起來!  大小約精鹽顆粒ㄧ半大~

躲入的氣孔: http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs232&d=08424&f=p1090313s441.jpg



再請教這兩隻是同品種嗎?    不同地點抓的 , 左邊這隻較像你這篇主題的主角在家裡抓的, 右邊在養魚的地方抓的! 



養魚有任何問題,歡迎隨時找我 ~  知識交流 ~  

[版主回覆10/19/2008 21:14:54]




  • 留言者: TPR's蘭壽工坊
  • Email: japanranchu@yahoo.com.tw
  • 網址:
  • 日期: 2008-10-13 22:18:26

Snail Prince 您好 ~    又來打擾了 

我看到的"寄生蟲" 有3隻身體細長, 光滑 , 末端有類似嘴吻的開口~ 長的與紅箭頭指的不太ㄧ樣! 

這幾天天氣較冷, 都沒看到他們出來閒逛 !     那天把玩的那ㄧ隻已經被我下鹽"醃漬" 起來了!

明天再去養魚桶子下努理找ㄧ隻出來拍 !   



[版主回覆10/14/2008 09:57:09]



